ISfTeH Working Groups

Within the frame of the ISfTeH, Working Groups play a major role. They are conducted by members for members.

A “Working Groups” committee has been installed to oversee the work of the Groups:
Frank Lievens, Chair
Rajendra Gupta
Claudia Bartz
Frederic Lievens

You can access the available information about each of the above Working Groups on their specific webpages by clicking on the links in the sidebar. 



If you wish to participate actively in the works of some of the ISfTeH Working Groups please apply as follows:

  • You have to be direct (Individual, Nurse or Student) or affiliate ISfTeH member. Affiliate members are recognized and contributing members/partners in a National, Association, Institutional or Corporation and will have to submit copy of a membership certificate from one of these groups.
  • You will have to apply for WG membership via the online application. In order to see the application form at the bottom of this page, please login to the ISfTeH website using your Username and Password (see login link at the top of the website). Affiliate members have to receive the Username/Password from their Society/Association.
  • Within the frame of the ISfTeH, Working Groups play a major role. They are conducted by members for members. Therefore, if at any time, direct or affiliate membership is stopped, the WG membership will also be ceased automatically.

Looking forward to welcoming you soon as participant in one (or more) of the current Working Groups.

Joining a Working Group

If you would like to join an ISfTeH Working Group, you need to be a registered ISfTeH member.

If you are already a member, please first log in.

If you are not yet a member, please apply for membership.