Capacity Building

  • Rajendra Gupta - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
  • Philippe De Lorme - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
  • Bipinkumar RATHOD
  • Jefferson FERNANDES
  • Oscar BLANCO
  • Moustafa ALI
  • Innocent Martial NANAN (SIBIM)
  • Arnab PAUL
  • Ekram MOHAMMED
  • Richard DASSELAAR
  • Wissal SENGOUGA

Capacity Building

2019 has proven to be a landmark year for Digital Health. The launch of the Digital Health Guidelines by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the launch of the Global Digital Health Index 2019 - marks a new beginning for healthcare, globally. Future of healthcare delivery is in for a massive change, and will see an integration of technology across the continuum of care.

As the proliferation of technology is increasing, and the healthcare delivery needs technology across the continuum of care, like never before and we have a major challenge as well – the challenge of skilled manpower resources. With major health systems moving towards Universal Health Coverage, it will not be possible without Digital Health. In fact, ‘Health for All’ will not be possible without ‘Digital Health for All’.

So, while we are at the cusp of a major technology revolution, the major challenge is the training of clinicians, para-medics and technicians in digital health. And without having proper training ( capacity building), healthcare delivery will find it hard to utilize digital tools.

As a working group, we work in the following areas:

  • Create a directory of courses available in digital health for clinicians, paramedics and technicians (support staff)  for digital health.
  • ISfTeH endorsed the Digital Health Academy ( and the certification programs (Certified Digital Health Professional Course and other courses) offered by the Digital Health Academy.
  • We will partner with organizations delivering courses in digital health and promote them within our network.
  • Offer webinars in the field of capacity building and training.
  • To author, contribute to knowledge papers & support regional roundtables, conferences and workshops in the area of capacity building and digital health across the globe.
  • One of our key focus areas is to get students from technology and medical science and allied education to join our working group to address the critical issue of capacity building and to create future leaders for Digital Health.

Besides the above, we are open to ideas & suggestions to advance the cause of digital health training and capacity building. For more info or to participate in our work, e-mail Rajendra Gupta.


March 2020: The ISfTeH Capacity Building Working Group publishes a "Framework and Roadmap for Global Digital Health Workforce Development – Part I". Download it below and send your comments and suggestions to Rajendra Gupta.


November 2020: "ISfTeH Knowledge Paper on Capacity Building for Digital Health - A Global Persepctive". Download it below.