Supporting nurses and other health professionals to evaluate health apps for their patients



Dear member,

We would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar of our group with title "Supporting nurses and other health professionals to choose and evaluate health apps for their patients" on Tuesday, September 22nd 2020, 15:00 - 16:00 CEST. We have the honour to have presenters from the European mHealth Hub (a WHO, ITU and Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health initiative funded by the European Union) and the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research (a WHO Collaborating Centre for Telemedicine and E-health).

The programme is:

- European overview of health apps assessment frameworks and repositories. Resources, gaps and recommendations.

  •  Belén Sotillos. European mHealth Hub | Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality, Spain
  •  Berglind Smaradottir. European mHealth Hub | University of Agder, Norway

- Recommending digital tools to patients: Diabetes as a use case.

  •  Meghan Corin Bradway. Norwegian Centre for E-health Research
  •  Dillys Larbi. Norwegian Centre for E-health Research

Konstantinos Antypas, Chair of the Telenursing Working Group, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth


September 22, 2020