How to join

National National Members shall be organizations representing telemedicine/eHealth in their particular countries. The board of directors shall decide whether an organization shall be considered its country's representative.
- National Members
- National Members with less than 100 members
- National Members from Eastern European Countries
- National Members from countries outside US/Canada and Europe
Every National member will affiliate all its own "individual" members (except Corporations, Associations, Institutions, Organisations, etc.) to the ISfTeH.

500 USD
200 USD
200 USD
100 USD

Affiliate Affiliated Members shall be the natural persons belonging to a National Member who have requested membership in the ISfT. Affiliated Members shall be non-voting members represented in the General Assembly by their National Member.
Associated Associated members shall be organizations not belonging to the national members.

500 USD

Institutional Institutional members shall be governmental and non-governmental academic institutions such as universities, clinics, research institutes, and their sponsoring organizations.

500 USD

Corporate Corporate members shall be commercial organizations such as manufacturers, distributors and service providers in the field of telemedicine/eHealth.

< 100 employees: 1000 USD
100-1000 employees: 2500 USD
> 1000 employees: 5000 USD

Corporate Start-Ups Offered as a one-time membership, restricted to a period of 3 years, not renewable. The membership fee covers the entire 3-year period, payable at once before confirmation of membership. After this 3-year period, the company will join us a regular corporate member.

Applicant must submit following data on Application Form:
- Date of Creation of the Company (this membership category is only available for companies that have been established in the past 36 months)
- Number of Employees
- Capital
- Object

600 USD

Individual Individual members shall be natural persons concerned with Telemedicine and eHealth.

100 USD

Student Student members are non-voting members who shall be natural persons undergoing academic training (undergraduate students and postgraduate students up to MSc degree). Student membership is limited to persons under 35 years of age at the time of initial application. Persons already having a Doctor degree or Prof. status and students of PhD programs should register as individual member.

No fee

Nurse Nurse members are non-voting members who shall be natural persons exercising the nurses profession.

No fee