Digital Health Initiatives in Education

Date Time: Sep 16, 2021 02:00 PM Brussels


The ISfTeH Students Group presents a webinar on the topic of "Digital Health Initiatives in Education”.

Join us on Thursday, September 16th, 2021 at 14h00 CEST to hear about “Digital Health Initiatives in Education”. Presentations by four experts will be followed by a live discussion with the audience.
The webinar brings together unique regional and international experiences, and focuses on up-to-date and innovative educational initiatives conducted in Finland, Brazil, Russia, India.
A large attendance of students as well as of several other ISfTeH affiliated members is expected. Also, ISfTeH partners and professionals interested in the topic of Digital Health Education are welcome to join the session.

Moderated by:

Dr. Adolfo Sparenberg
ISfTeH Students Group - Coordinator

Dr. Jefferson Fernandes
ISfTeH - Educational Program Director

Frank Lievens
ISfTeH - Executive Secretary


Rio de Janeiro State University Initiatives for Education and Training for Digital Health
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Monteiro

UERJ TeleHealth Centre - Head
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) Medical School - Vice-Dean
Coordinator of Telemedicine and Telehealth Postgraduate Program - UERJ
Scientific Director, Brazilian Society for Telemedicine and eHealth - ABTms

The Digital Health Education and Training of Nurses and Doctors after Graduation in Finland
Dr. Pirkko Kouri

ISfTeH - Vice President
ISfTeH Telenursing Working Group - Vice-Chair
Finnish Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH) - Secretary

National Medical College Network - An Enterprise Digital Infrastructure for Management of eLearning in Health Science
Dr. Saroj Mishra

Prof. & Head, Dept. of Endocrine Surgery
Nodal Officer, SGPGI Telemedicine Program
Sanjay Gandhi PG Inst. of Medical Sciences

Experience of Telemedicine Education
Dr. Valery Stolyar

People’s Friendship University of Russia - RUDN

Register here


September 16, 2021